Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Quiet city at night. Moonlight. Productivity.
The trinity.
Blessings and curses. 
The exact reasons I don't want to sleep at night.
Nighttime is for creating.
Last night I found a library listing for a letter from Edmund Russell. I emailed the library, hoping they would share a scan. I also found an article about Edmund with a few mentions of his childhood. Two breaks in one night, that should yield great dreams when I finally drifted off, right?

All I remember from last night was running around in some building, taking stairs and elevators around. It wasn't a bad dream, but it didn't seem to have that certain significance I had hoped for. Of course I'll try again tonight, but I might be thwarted with the nightmare that was my evening -- trying to decipher Edmund's handwriting! The librarian was kind enough to send me a scan this morning. What a treat to get off the mat and have a letter waiting from Edmund, even if I couldn't make out much beyond "Dear Sir" and some ramblings about Greek Hamlet costumes!
I shared the scan with Kev, eagerly awaiting his take on the meaning. I printed the letter out and annotated what I could so I have that to compare with what Kev makes out. The letter isn't dated but Edmund looks like he is wearing the same costume as in some Hamlet pics I found recently. His hair looks the same. I sent Kevin a link to the pics with the scan. Then we started sharing other pictures of Edmund in profile, which led to me pulling out a few cartoon parodies.
And now, despite the trinity being on my side, I'm distracted as ever. So many facets, so many amusing things about Edmund...I'm overwhelmed. But I love it.

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